My Covid Story – Beating the Corona Virus, Fair & Square !!

04 Apr 2021
Customized Financing for Micro Irrigation

Since the Covid Pandemic started last year, we all had this fear of unknown and we all were wishing that somehow we remain unaffected from it. But now that I have lived through this dreaded infection of COVID-19, I want to share my experience with you all. Before I do that, my sincere request to you all is to think twice before you feel like going out of home for a non-essential task, not sanitizing yourself adequately, not adhering to social distancing guidelines or even catching up with friends after a boring day at home. The scariest part about this virus is that you cannot be certain how and when it can hit you. Although me and my family members were taking utmost care, and were well within the confines of our home, we were tested positive.


It started with my daughter, she was feverish, we got her tested. As we all were together (my wife, son and myself), we also decided to get tested proactively, though we were absolutely fine and had no symptoms till then. After our samples were given for testing, one by one, all three of us started showing symptoms. We decided not to wait until the report comes and started with a slew of home remedies like taking vitamin C, steam inhalation at regular intervals during the day, traditional kadhas etc. The reports for all three of us showed that we were positive, but by then we had already started our fight against Covid.


Till the report came, we were in the same house but in different rooms and communicated only though video and voice calls, not meeting physically. We used to have group video calls to enquire about each other. We were in this together and somehow had this positive feeling that we will overcome this soon. All of us faced high intensity symptoms like fever, cough, chills, aches & acute tiredness for 4-5 days. We consulted with a Doctor on a video call, who prescribed medicines over whatsapp. We followed a strict regime of medicines, steam, a healthy diet and absolute bed rest.


Monitoring your Oxygen level is of utmost importance, if that is fine you don’t need hospitalization. Regular pranayam and yoga exercises like anulom vilom, kapaal bhaati etc really help. With all of our collective efforts we felt the symptoms wane after 4-5 days, and although our isolation period ended, the fatigue stayed on for a long time. Having spent almost three weeks of feeling drained out, I am still taking all the safety measures, till date, to avoid any relapse. Infact we are still taking our multi vitamins and vitamin C, still monitoring SPO2 level and pulse rate until now.

Prabhat Chaturvedi

Author: Prabhat Chaturvedi